Italy created it and we perfected it

No joke, i am trying this

by Stockholmarn116

  1. That sausage was probably made by blending eyes, tongues, guts and genitalia and then putting that shit back together to give it another shape.

  2. If it wasn’t for the cream and the ketchup, it wouldn’t be that bad, considering what you can find online passing as carbonara recipes

  3. Up until the very last second I was ready to say that I would gladly eat it.

    Then you chose death.

  4. “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made”

    ― JRR Tolkien on nordic cousine

  5. I’ve never once in my whole life encountered anyone that uses falukorv for a carbonara. The absolute disgrace.

    We use bacon. Always bacon.

  6. As a cheese lover I do really respect that you put the cheese twice in your recipe. Now I must taste your cheese to see if it’s real of false cheese.

  7. It looked fairly edible, even with that weird mortadelly thing, up until the ketchup offense.

  8. Italians just don’t like creativity, if it isn’t exactly like how their nonna makes it they get a brain hemorrhage. Sad!

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