Monopoly the game

Monopoly the game

by Listen2Wolff

  1. I think a children’s game accuracy represents the global economy

    This post is so deep and the quality that I expect from a sub named fucking “economy” ffs

  2. By playing monopoly by the rules, this is mostly true. The bank ends up with everyone’s money and the winner has a bunch or mortgaged properties and with 4 players should last about 90-120 minutes.

    **But that’s *not* the point of the game.**

    The point of the game to is cooperate with opponents to try to find an agreement with which both players can agree. The deals and trades are what the game is about. It’s about learning how to work with people.

  3. I remember seeing a post somewhere that said, ‘In the game of Monopoly, if nobody ever buys any property, then everyone just gets richer and nobody loses.’

    An interesting thought.

  4. A child’s view of economics and contrary to reality. New wealth is comstantly created, old wealth is constantly lost, and it’s easier than ever to become wealthy.

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