Biden-Zelensky talks: Ukrainian soldiers want firepower to win but question if US wants Russia defeated

Biden-Zelensky talks: Ukrainian soldiers want firepower to win but question if US wants Russia defeated

by bernie457

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – (A-): [Zelensky lands in US to discuss ‘victory plan’ with Biden](
    – WION (C+): [Zelensky's plan to end war includes deep strikes within Russia with US weapons ](
    – Der Spiegel (A-): [Russian invasion of Ukraine: Selenskyj ponders the end of the war next year](
    – (A): [Ukrainian President in the USA: Zelenskyj wants to present “victory plan”](

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  2. As an American I can truly say it devastates me that Ukrainian soldiers think our government wants them to lose. And I don’t blame them. It is truly and utterly infuriating that things have gotten to where they are. Destroy Russia. Drive it into the ground and only let it come up for air once the cancer of Putin has been eliminated.

  3. These articles always ignore the fact that the entire US government is Frozen in place across the board until after the election. There’s no policy or talk about infrastructure and healthcare and all that other stuff. Hardly see politicians talking about Ukraine or Taiwan or anything else other than the election. It only comes up when they are specifically asked about it by journalists.

    All eyes are focused on the election.

    Meanwhile much of the Biden administration’s current focus on Ukraine has been setting up measures to guarantee they continue to be supported over the next several years. If worse comes to worst and Trump ends up back in office.

  4. Is anyone considering that the U.S. intelligence apparatus is operating behind the scenes to build the infrastructure needed to handle a Russian collapse? Don’t forget that they posses thousands of nuclear warheads. Another Soviet collapse would leave those weapons to fall into the hands of whatever oligarch could drive over to the base the fastest. You may even end up with another set of Balkanized territories led by their own warlords.

    I have zero evidence other than history to base any of this on, but the idea that the U.S. doesn’t want the end of Putin’s rule as quickly as possible is kind of silly. What they want even more though is to be able to control the aftermath and make sure it happens in a way that benefits us. I’d love to believe we did all this because we are so benevolent, but I doubt anyone here is that naive. We are hoping to get something on the tail end of this thing and I’m guessing that’s stability in the region and a new global ally that we control. I really believe that once we feel we have all of the pieces set and deals struck with the right people, we will execute our plan to remove Putin.

  5. The US doesn’t want Russia defeated. That should be obvious. US threat assessment is in continuity of the Russian Empire, because they have nukes. That’s all it is.

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