Ukrainian drone tries to kill Russian soldier – then returns and saves his life

Ukrainian drone tries to kill Russian soldier – then returns and saves his life

A Ukrainian front-line battalion filmed its drone-led rescue of an injured Russian soldier.

The K-2 Battalion, which is part of the Ukrainian Army’s 54th Brigade, posted the video across several different social media platforms this week.

Set to eerie music, the video runs longest on Telegram at more than 18 minutes. It picks out the strained facial expressions of the injured Russian soldier, damage to his wrist watch and the streak of dried blood running down the side of his face.

In the video, the drone operator decides not to kill the injured Russian soldier and instead drops water and a note before leading him across No Man’s Land to a Ukrainian trench.

It is unclear where or when the video was shot, although it appears to be set in late summer on a battlefield in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Throughout the war, the 54th Brigade has been positioned on the front line in the Donbas region.

The video appears to be part of a sophisticated recruitment for the K-2 Battalion which, like the rest of the Ukrainian army, is under pressure to sign up more soldiers.

The released video starts as a Ukrainian drone scans a Russian trench after an attack, searching for survivors. It spots the injured Russian soldier lying on top of at least two bodies under an earth arch.

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#Russia #Ukraine #ukrainewar

  1. Russians, please explain to me, since Vladimir Putin and therefore the Kremlin declared (they always lie in unity) that the special operation would last 3 days, and analysts from the Kremlin knew perfectly well that it was impossible for Russian soldiers to reach the border without conducting a war operationUkrainian and Polish, it would last as long as 19 days, analysts knew that the problem of corruption and fuel theft would last such a period of time. and if Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin consciously have to lie to Russians, what does this prove? Please write me back, I'm waiting. A027

  2. Parabéns ucranianos, estou chorando de ver o amor que vocês tem pelo próximo. Muito lindo a atitude de vocês. Vocês defendendo o seu território. Mesmo o inimigo pedindo ajuda, vocês prestando a solidariedade. Amo vocês ucranianos lutando pelo seu pais, não querendo o mal de ninguém. Somente querendo a paz. Vocês não querem matar o inimigo só estão protegendo o seu pais. Se os russos pedirem ajuda, tenho certeza que os usuários vão ajudar. Porque só estão protegendo seu pais e familiares, não querendo o mal de ninguém. Esse vídeo é a prova de quem são os ucranianos. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Во Львовской области село Червоне переименовали в Галицьке. Сайт DeepState поясняет, что новое название связано с тем, что там находится крупнейший в области мемориал дивизии СС Галичина

    Львовская областная рада тоже поясняет переименование таким же образом «село Червоне Золочівського району на село Галицьке (там є найбільший в області меморіал дивізії «Галичина»)».

    "Это первый случай названия населённого пункта на Украине в честь дивизии СС.
    Где фашизма на Украине нет?

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