“Leading Senate Moderate”. That’s it, that’s the humor.

Posted by iroquoispliskinV

  1. What makes this even worse is that Manchin isn’t even holding public office nor planning to run for an election. When he says “shame on her” for trying to codify Roe vs Wade hes not beholden to some weird WV electorate that he needs to appease… so this is just how he is; a literal twat.

  2. This will kill his future prospects as a lobbyist if he can’t call his friends in the senate to stop legislation when donors ask him to. If the will of the people is respected then his money faucet gets turned off.

  3. Unless it involves a bride, Manchin won’t do shit he flips to Democrat or Republican whenever he feels like it.

  4. Manchin is a self serving, arrogant, narcissistic sociopath who doesn’t give a shit about democracy or any democratic issue cuz he’s a corrupt POS. He’s better aligned with the GOP Nazis. F him.

  5. The filibuster has been used for good historically but in modern politics it’s been perverted as a tool by republicans to obstruct any legislation they think opposing might gain them political points with MAGA regardless if it would actually help their constituents. Had we not been boxed into the two party system I would agree the great statesman of the past have used it to great effect to fight back against extreme and harmful legislation. These days it’s just one more wedge to keep the gridlock in place so republicans can shirk their duty to find compromise and pass laws to help the American people.

  6. So much political theatre.

    Good for Harris in wanting the Senate to do away with its filibuster rule so that a woman’s right to body autonomy and medical privacy can be restored. Let’s hope the Senate will follow her lead and make that a reality. As far as I know, only the senate itself can determine the rules to legislate by.

    Shame on Manchin for criticizing Harris when the Senate (of which he was a member) created this crisis by:

    * Using the filibuster rule to prevent confirmation of Obama’s nominee to the SCOTUS.
    * Eliminating the 60 vote requirement when Trump became President and confirmed multiple unqualified and conservative activist judges to SCOTUS on a simple majority vote of 51.

  7. As much as I would like to see the filibuster disappear, how would the POTUS make that happen? The Senate makes their own rules, don’t they?

  8. “I’m gonna be a dictator and seek revenge on my enemies using the unlimited powers given me by SCOTUS!” – Trump

    “The filibuster isn’t effective anymore or good for the nation.” – Harris

    “I can’t possibly endorse Harris because of this.” – Scumbags

  9. Get used to Republicans compromising/bribing a few Dems to sabotage Dem efforts going forward..see Sinema and Manchin.

  10. I guess this excuse is as good as any for siding with republicans. From his yacht. In the worst state in the country by all the metrics.

  11. You’d think since this dude is moments away from being out of politics forever, he’d at least go down with some integrity. Instead he’s worked really hard to solidify hatred from both parties while accomplishing nothing for West Virginia. He rode the wave on the state’s formerly unbreakable Democratic wall and flip flopped the moment everyone here became Maganuts.

  12. This is idiotic. As President she would have no power over Senate filibuster rules. Just to fuck Manchin, the Senate Dems should set up a tie for her to break before the election.

  13. Joe Manshit is retiring, am I correct? So there are no political consequences for him doing the right thing… which he did not. I don’t understand, Joe, you never need an incel or a billionaire to support your political campaign ever again!

  14. I’m my limited experience of American politics, does this mean he is simply grand-standing for a bit, before giving in after she pats his head and tickles his tummy?

  15. “Shame on HER” is their whole schtick.

    Fuck them for taking our right to our own bodies, not just abortion, away.

  16. So how many more votes could he possible be worth in the Senate? He’s retiring and I dont see him winning anything other than governor in the future. So see ya, dont let the door hit you on the way out

  17. Joe Manchin is not a serious person. He is more concerned with being the center of attention than doing anything that is worth anything. He’s not much different than McConnell in my book.

  18. Joke’s on you, he has pretty much dictated the entirety of what Biden could or couldn’t pass these last 3.5yr.

    And yes, I hate that he had that much power.

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