Kreml versucht, „iranische Freunde“ zu beruhigen, nachdem Teheran den Krieg in der Ukraine verurteilt hat

Kreml versucht, „iranische Freunde“ zu beruhigen, nachdem Teheran den Krieg in der Ukraine verurteilt hat

  1. Iran has truly begun shitting themselves since Israel started hitting their terrorist friends back. Watching them demolish Hezbollah must scare the shit out of them, and they were already afraid to attack Israel themselves.

  2. Kremlin scrambles to reassure Iranian “friends” after Tehran condemns war in Ukraine.

    Putin offers to hold talks with Iran’s prime minister near a window on the 10th floor.

  3. Iran is concerned that Israel already dealt with Hamas about to deal with hezbollah and the houthis are still on the list. They don’t attack Israel directly cause they know it’s not gonna be successful. So to keep some of those drones they condemns war in Ukraine.

  4. I wonder how the Russian people feel about Russias only friends now being Iran, N.Korea and China (but not really) and being hated by the rest of the world.

    Having to sell their only assets gas and oil on the cheap because Putin has alienated them from any country that isn’t dictator-led.

    That’s a bad bed of people to be aligned with and must be tough to stomach as a Russian.

  5. Or they now claim they had stipulations to the use of the their weapons after the fact. Imagine that

  6. That awkward moment when your allies are doing their own thing distinct from your goals, meanwhile you’ve just suffered a major setback in testing your most powerful nuclear weapon.

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