When Germany and Sweden invade Spain

When Germany and Sweden invade Spain

by TheRealColdCoffee

  1. May Allah bring Islamic countries back to Spain, it’s our right for being colonized by the Mohammeds for so long!

  2. I find it funny how in the 15th and 16th century, the Ottoman Empire was able to conquer Anatolia and the Balkans from the Christian world, but in return the Muslims lost all-Andalus and the Tatar khanates to Spain and Russia respectively

  3. I know reading is a tough task for a poor ostrogoth such as yourself but this is Iberia, not Spain.

  4. Alhamdulillah this is not neccesarily a bad thing Pedro. With climate change your country is getting so dry. Inshallah it shall soon be a total desert. The Muslims will bring many camels. You will need all of the camels you can get.

  5. İnşallah Pedro, we will succeed together.

    1. Rome
    2. Ummayid
    3. Ottoman
    4. Mediterranean Caliphate. (Beginning of the 3rd Islamic Golden Age)

  6. Went through the effort to put black bars across the name but cba to do it properly so you can still read it lol.

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