Ukrainian Army sniper conducting training in the empty city of Pripyat, Chernobyl – earlier in the summer. He was armed with a Barrett M82 – overlooking the Palace of Culture.

by BostonLesbian

  1. In Pripyat?? same place where the nuclear disaster happened? Is it safe to be doing stuff like that….

  2. Now I’m fucking riled up. The human in me feels sorrow for the poor assholes conscripted or whatever into that fucks war. However, we all have a choice. Die for what is just (refer to Navaldy (sic) but he was murdered) or die for what is what is not. Watch the fucking vids. Kill oneself due to maiming (in which case another who cares) or die fighting injustice. Hmmm. So no, not going to fucking chill

  3. Glad he training still got a lot to learn from looking at this picture, but probably just a photo op. Breaking a few of the 7 S’s.

  4. Racist? What the actual fuck..the orcs, oh I’m sorry, I’m mean the scum bag Russians aren’t a race last time looked. Not all the Russian people are not worthless fucks ,- just the ones that subjugate to dear leader and live like sheep.

  5. Hopefully he has already changed his place since the picture was taken. Good luck hunting and stay safe warrior(s).

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