At the UN, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski delivers a stunning takedown of russia’s lies and its kidnapping of Ukrainian children

At the UN, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski delivers a stunning takedown of russia’s lies and its kidnapping of Ukrainian children

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Too many leaders have played deaf and dumb in the face of genocide, but at least this one did his best to describe the nature of the putin regime.

  2. If dude was any more base he’d dissolve the fabric of that chair. Idk shit about his political stance, but fuck, dude is based AF.

  3. The face of the Russian criminal sitting there not even showing any feelings beside just smile at the end.
    That is how you underline what kind of a monster you are.

  4. The repulsive smirks of the Russian Federation representatives clearly betrays their belief that this is some kind of game they can play

  5. Is that little girl Russian UN ambassador’s secretary? He’s like 64 or something. In Russian metric system that’s the age of about two-n-half-Bidens. Must be quite a sight to see them together.

  6. Well put. Im not sure he got thru to whatever that is sitting behind the Russia Federation placard.

  7. They should all gang up on the russian reps and tear them apart, and send them back to russia in pieces.
    But we all know the UN is useless, powerless.

  8. I mean, there are times I wish Poland wasnt so nice……..Moscow has never, even in the 1600s, been an easier target for a competent military. They could “route 1” through Belarus and march there virtually unimpeded. It would be the ultimate buddy move for Ukraine too.

  9. Good speech, I wish this speech was true in minds of other people and most importantly leaders. Sadly, ru “ambassador” is sitting there, while clearly being a criminal that should face Hague. If this system wasn’t rotten to the core and this person wasn’t a politician, they would face lifetime sentence

  10. Brilliantly done. Need a link to this for my idiot friend who’s been brainwashed by Russian propaganda.

  11. (looking at russian delegates)
    “russian woman” – used to be synonymous with Beautiful, but now the word “russian” is synonymous with Monstrous

  12. Lesser known than the golden rule is the black tar rule. Do onto others every crime they are guilty of.

    When the barbarians attack civilization, they should not complain that civilization reverts to barbarism just to make sure they send a special message.

  13. He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Pembroke College, University of Oxford and was a war correspondent. He is a fascinating man and knows his stuff.

  14. “I’m sure you recognize the Soviet uniform”

    GOD DAMNNN this dude just used his time to roast the Russians in the most polite and diplomatic way

    Whole thing could be summarized as “Putin is kurwa, russia is Kurwa, I wish them a very speedy collapse and yield the rest of my time”

  15. As an American, we made fun of Polish people growing up, with our infamous Pollack jokes. Clearly, we were ignorant and did not understand that Poland does not fuck around. The Foreign Minister’s speech was perfect. It may not change anything on the ground, but it will surely be quoted when historians look back on the war.

  16. All Russian officials who speaks before the Security Council should be forced to set and listen to the responses from any other member. The “cut and run” attitude of Uncle Fester and Hermann Munster should never be allowed. This should be the rule for any official who speaks before that body. I almost feel sorry for the young lady who drew the short straw and had to sit and listen to Sikorski.

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