UK FM Lammy at UN: As a Black Man Whose Ancestors Were in Chains, I Know Imperialism When I See It

UK FM Lammy at UN: As a Black Man Whose Ancestors Were in Chains, I Know Imperialism When I See It

Posted by UNITED24Media

  1. And yet he’s part of a governing party who just banned the words apartheid and genocide from even being used at its conference, while its leader finds it prudent to crack tasteless jokes in order to pile on the character assassination of a former rival for leadership over an ongoing conflict, that is indeed seen by the majority of members of the UN as at the very least bordering genocide, committed by a nation that a similar majority has accused of being – curious and curiouser – in the process of turning into an apartheid state. Now, I am not a black man and not from the UK, but I suspect such a man from the UK might resort to the term choc-ice here. Black on the outside, dirty white vanilla on the inside, is what that refers to in my understanding. I could be wrong, of course. What I can say with absolute certainty is that I wouldn’t feel obliged to raise objections over that verdict.

    None of this is a commentary on the validity of calling out Russia’s Imperialism. Doing so from the vantage point of the government of another imperialist power, though, is tantamount to – to use another UK colloquialism that seems all too fitting – the pot calling the kettle black. I dunno, maybe pot is actually the answer here. Since they appear to be smoking a lot of crack over there these days, it seems like an improvement.

  2. This is the definition of “coonery”. It is wild that he would even say something like this for cheap political points, with white people. Because as an African and child of civil rights activists can tell you it isn’t winning over the “black” community. This isn’t to defend the actions of Russia but attack the outlandish use of the suffering of millions of people for ~500 years to try make a plea not to those people but the very nations that oppressed them.

    I remember leaving a discord group over the coup in Niger and them wanting the French out. It became obvious that the reality of the European/African interaction was completely foreign or “natural” to them. They somehow couldn’t understand why Niger would hate people that brutalised them for 200 years and prefer the country that (as the USSR) fight against them. Just the same as a lot of westerners won’t understand why this is just bad. He could have just said:

    “Russia is doing imperialism; it’s wrong and must be stopped”

  3. Hilarious. His ancestors won’t feel ashamed because there’s no shame in the life between lives but they might cock a ghostly eyebrow. The foreign minister of Great Britain is one of the world’s chief coordinators of modern imperialism, which oversees massive annual wealth transfers from the Global South to the bank accounts and supermarket shelves of the Global North — this is the Order he worries about Russia undermining.

    Meanwhile he cancels thirty of three-hundred-odd weapons sales contracts to Israel. But he knows imperialism when he sees it!

    What a creep, what an empty human skin suit

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