Still reeling from the Paris Olympics withdrawal symptoms

It's been a month since the Paris Olympics wrapped up, and I'm still feeling that post-Olympics emptiness. So, I decided to dive into various reports and analyses to reassess the event's successes and shortcomings.

Here are five things that were expected, based on popular blogs and news articles:

  1. Effective implementation of the Olympic Channel's "NextGen" broadcasting strategy.
  2. Sustainable and eco-friendly: Paris promised a "climate-positive" Games, with innovative green solutions.
  3. Enhanced security measures utilizing AI-powered surveillance systems.
  4. Increased representation of refugee athletes and teams.
  5. Cultural celebrations: Paris would showcase its rich cultural heritage.

However, as for my POV, some expectations were not met:

  1. Limited adoption of innovative Para-sports technology, which didn't quite live up to its potential.
  2. Insufficient attention to athlete mental health, a growing concern in the sports community.
  3. The Olympic Village experience was underwhelming for some athletes and visitors.

Again, these are what I believe were not met and are not intended to hurt any sentiments. What were some expectations that didn't quite live up to your hype?

Posted by Traditional_Shopping

  1. Made me think about how the Olympics could leverage technology to create more immersive experiences for athletes and spectators alike. Virtual and augmented reality, anyone?

    btw OP u need to move on lol

  2. the post-Olympics blues are real! i was really looking forward to the eco-friendly initiatives, but I felt like some of the promised green solutions didn’t get as much visibility as they should have. there were talks about zero waste and carbon neutrality, but I didn’t see many specific examples during the Games. I second the point about athlete mental health as well. it seems like there was a missed opportunity to provide better support and resources.

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