I think you’ll find they are both for me Cadburys.

What are your favourite incorrect adverts?

by Stragolore

  1. Best chocolate bar by far… These things are quite addictive! Considering I’m trying to lose weight it doesn’t help that this post has reminded me I have one of these duos in my office drawer right next to me…

  2. It’ll be to game the RDA indicators.

    It should be obvious to most people that smashing a full one of them in isn’t particularly good for you – it’s got almost 40% of your daily sugar and 60% of your daily saturates in – but Cadburys get to absolve blame by telling you you should only trough half.

  3. The three biggest lies you encounter through life;

    1) Of course I love you

    2) I’ll tell you before I come in your mouth

    3) This size is intended for two people

  4. I think the idea is quite sweet but I know it is a workaround for criticism about king size bars. I actually like the choice of having one then the rest a bit later without leaving a big bite mark half way down.

  5. “Don’t worry, we’ve got around the government’s smaller portion size initiative”. Cadbury probably.

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