Großbritannien sagt Putin: „Sie sind ein Sklaven besitzender Mafiaboss“

Großbritannien sagt Putin: „Sie sind ein Sklaven besitzender Mafiaboss“

  1. I’m trying to figure out how to express how little fucks putin gives to be told this, or his representative to be told this. Now I know why those words were used but Putin is so much worse than a mafia boss if for no other reasons than having the means and desire to cause destruction and death on a scale no mafia boss could even come close to.

  2. And yet Putin and his Oligarch toadies probably own half of London’s expensive real estate.

    Has the UK done anything about it?

  3. It doesn’t matter that Putin doesn’t listen. He doesn’t listen to the screams of the hundreds of thousands he’s killed. It matters that a senior politician said it to his face in public.

  4. Does that mean we’re gonna let Ukraine use the toys we’ve sent them or are they just for show still?

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