Tories dished out £114 million to companies for undelivered or cancelled Covid contracts — 86% of that cash went to firms linked with senior Tory figures

Tories dished out £114 million to companies for undelivered or cancelled Covid contracts — 86% of that cash went to firms linked with senior Tory figures

Tories dished out £114 million to companies for undelivered or cancelled Covid contracts

by marketrent

  1. Excerpts from [article]( by Jack Peat about [investigation]( by Good Law Project:

    *The Conservative Party handed out payments worth £114 million for undelivered or cancelled Covid contracts before they were booted out of office – with 86 per cent of that going to firms linked with senior Tory figures.*

    *An investigation by the Good Law Project has revealed that hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds were dished out by the Health Department and the UK Health Security Agency after cancelling contracts for equipment that was never needed or items which didn’t meet specifications.*

    *The vast majority of that cash went to Tory-linked companies and people who secured contracts through the so-called VIP lane.*

    *One such company, named Ecolog, got a payout of £38 million even though it never provided any services at all.*

  2. My bare minimum hope for Labour was that they would get in and start some Royal Commissions into government corruption and Parliamentary practises to make sure that – if the Tories don’t face repercussions for what they did – it at least couldn’t happen again.

    I don’t have hope the economy will be magically fixed in 5 years, that prisons and hospitals will spring up out of nowhere, that 15 years of austerity will ever be undone. But *at the very least*, put some rules in place to enforce Codes of Conduct and give oversight bodies enough teeth to stop the grift.

  3. You know the word justice is thrown around when politicians want the public or media backing on issues they feel strongly about. Can the general public not actually demand the people who took public money for literally nothing! Pay it back in asset or capital?

    Are we forever in the habit of saying “well you cheeky lot. This is the last time you’ll get away with this”… Time to pay the bloody Piper!

  4. No no. Labour are the bad guys. Did you hear kier starmer got a free upgrade on his season ticket? Lock him up

  5. This is why we’re having Angela Rayner’s New York holiday shoved down our throats by the right-wing media. Some Labour MPs didn’t properly report gifts from donors. Some Conservative MPs established a system to embezzle government money that was earmarked to save people’s lives.

  6. It’s appalling to think that really, none of us would be remotely surprised if nothing ever happens to those responsible for or part of this sees any kind of repurcussions.

    My largest hope is this means a series of changes that ensure that going forward, not only will this not happen again but there’s some actual consequences beyond a slapped wrist _as_ a consequence.

    Followed very closely by a “and the PM can’t just veto who gets away with it or not”.

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