Going through old photos I found this video I forgot about making walking through central in late 2020. Strange to look at now.

Going through old photos I found this video I forgot about making walking through central in late 2020. Strange to look at now.

by butteredgrapes

  1. I remember going to Embankment mid-November 2020 and getting some mulled wine from a stand and walking around the empty Thames path. It was so strange as a year prior I was there with my parents who were visiting and we couldn’t move.
    I lived over a high street and the car honking and constant traffic was a feature of daily life – to see that vanish overnight and the streets get so quiet you could hear a pin drop was insane.
    If we all hadn’t lived through it none of us would believe that it happened.

  2. It’s so weird thinking about it now. I think sometime in summer 2020 I cycled from my house in zone 2 to my old workplace which was slap bang in central, and it was deserted.

    Although the reasoning was unfortunate, that period just after lockdown started to be lifted properly in 2021 was great – the tubes were quiet and no tourists, so I enjoyed going to a lot of quiet attractions!

  3. often thought it was closest we’d ever get to tge type of experience Peeps had venturing out for food during the plague

  4. I remember the first month or two of lockdown, I was heading to work and would literally be the only passenger on the tube. Like, the entire thing not just my carriage.

    Would walk through Hammersmith Broadway with everything except Tesco shut and not a soul in sight.

    An absolutely bonkers time to live in an enormous city

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