Trump Spent His Night Hate-Watching Stephen Colbert And Raging About It Online

Trump Spent His Night Hate-Watching Stephen Colbert And Raging About It Online

Posted by EnvironmentalEffort

  1. Once again spending his time thinking about what he is going to help everyone to a better life. That’s not true!!!! But the debate audience told me that was what he really meant!😱🤡

  2. Imagine your old parent or relative freaking out like that, spewing hate 2 o’clock at night on the internet, wouldn’t you be concerned? Maybe it’s about time someone brings this mentally ill old man back to the institution, where he belongs. Make sure he takes his medicine

  3. Wait till he sees Kimmel’s chimp watching bit!
    He unleashed his wife speaking for all women against the shit gibbon.

  4. Trump already said that if he becomes President, he’s putting Stephen and other late night comedians in prison. Trump is unhinged.

  5. Dude…the amount of time he spends not sleeping should be getting more attention.

    Classic dementia shit

  6. Even the dictator of a shithole country could get his goat with little effort. This turd cannot be our president again. Vote Blue, no matter who.

  7. Hopefully he will pop a fuse and have a stroke. Happy enough if he lost the power of speech. Mmmmm silence. Lovely 😊

  8. Every ‘failing’ show and publication gets a boost when Trump whines about it lol.

    He must realize that he’s only helping boost their viewership, right ?

  9. Just here to say how much I adore Stephen Colbert. Long time fan of everything he’s done. Carry on.

  10. Maybe thats what Harris is missing in her campaign. A vitriolic tweet storm while watching Candace Owen.

  11. The more he stays up at night the more he sundowns during the day and can’t campaign.

    Not that his rallies are doing all that well. He doesn’t pay his bills and is running out of places that he hasn’t stuffed.

  12. Just keep picking that last nerve late night crew. 👏💯👏 we’re on the last leg of this journey . Karma, take the wheel and bring it home! 🤪

  13. While the rest of US were having nightmares about the uncertainty of our children’s futures under another Trump admin amid escalating violence here and world-wide.

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