Son: “Don’t get me wrong, we love playing football. Do you know how much we’re traveling? It’s not just about the games… Man City plays Sunday and Tuesday, it’s not even flexible. I will say it’s not fair, Rodri said the right things. 50-60 games maybe okay but not 70 or more. It is not fair.”

Son: “Don’t get me wrong, we love playing football. Do you know how much we’re traveling? It’s not just about the games… Man City plays Sunday and Tuesday, it’s not even flexible. I will say it’s not fair, Rodri said the right things. 50-60 games maybe okay but not 70 or more. It is not fair.”

by FatalAttraction-

  1. So true. Good on Son for bringing it up. That amount of games is unsustainable. Now the weirdos on r/soccer are about to have a hate boner for him.

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