Most Millennials Believe They Need to Be Millionaires to Thrive, a New Report Says

Most Millennials Believe They Need to Be Millionaires to Thrive, a New Report Says

by FUSeekMe69

  1. Well if the average House price is $450,000 and I need to make three times that to afford one, do the math?

  2. The 1% suck down 80% of their wealth and income via rent seeking so yeah, you need a lot of money to stay ahead.

    It’s like the old saying, you don’t have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun the Hobbit.

    I’m starting to question the need for man eating Dragons in my country…

  3. They are not wrong.

    The problem with wealth is that there needs to be disparity, because when everyone has a million dollars that is the new zero baseline.

  4. I’m aiming for $4 to $5 million myself. $2-$3 million in 401K and Roth. The rest in other investment ventures.

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