The US should stoke anti-war resistance within Russia

The US should stoke anti-war resistance within Russia

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. We should be absolutely hammering them with propaganda. Let’s be honest, they’ve been doing it in Europe and the US for years using social media to get right into our households and divide us. Can you imagine for one second they’d allow us to do that on their own territory.

    We’ve been way too soft. Weakness and inaction are just encouragement to the Russian regime. Our leaders and politicians have to learn that lesson.

    The problem isn’t poking the bear, it’s not poking the bear!!!

  2. They do which is why Russia [clamp down on external media as much as they can to reduce attack vectors.]( They ban[ VPNS and VOIP ]( they’re hard to monitor too).

    Nearly everything a law abiding Russian citizen can consume is state endorsed because of attempts made by Western countries to undermine the Russian state.

  3. Honestly, I feel we should be encouraging rebellion. Siberia in particular is exported to hell, they know it, and a majority want to separate from Russia already.

  4. Russia has been in an ‘asymmetrical war’ with the west for atleast a decade. Unleash the bots and misinformation upon all of their social media and infect their news sources, such as RT, telegram, and hack their war-blogger accounts.

  5. No. US has dine a bad job with dissent groups we help fuel in other countries. If something is organically growing with Russia and they want to talk to the US sure thats fine. Actively funding, promoting etc no.

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