Police sergeant stripped naked and masturbated near play park

Police sergeant stripped naked and masturbated near play park


by suspended-sentence

  1. It’s a tough one for me this.

    On the one hand I don’t want a police Sargent who undresses near parks to sexually relieve himself.

    But on the other hand, the sort of man who gets completely undressed to enjoy himself even if he is near a public park strikes me as the sort of man who runs a tight ship.

    When i have some self pleasure I won’t even get undressed in my own house, ill jusr lift my shirt up enough to try avoid it being speckled by my shame so I can wear it again tomorrow.

    Nobody wants their police Sargent wanking in the bushes but I’d rather they do it openly. We had an issue with constables in parachute pants rubbing one out at the trampoline park.

    At least you know what you are getting with a naked copper.

  2. Come on mate… Sometimes the mood takes me as well, but I’m not a fucking animal. Do it in the back of the car with things to cover the windows if you’re that desperate.

  3. So the officer was dismissed from the police without notice but since nobody saw him there isn’t enough evidence to pursue criminal charges. Even though he was within range of a playground, naked, taking pictures of himself nude and masturbating.

    Christ. People have been put on sex offender lists for taking a piss in the wrong spot and been convicted on technicalities.

    Yet this guy seems to have gotten off fair easy (no pun intended)

    But yeh enough evidence to fire him without notice but not enough to hold him criminally liable. Like what the fuck, a police officer, an actual copper decided to do this baffles the mind.

    And this is just the time he’s caught, you really think this is a one-off? People with this sort of extreme fetishism develop it over time, piece by piece, I really doubt this was the first time he’s done it.

    Imagine having a wank in a Bush completely naked then the morning after you’re giving the moral highground to the guy doing 35 in a 30 zone.

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