Against all odds, Wrexham keep climbing. Can they really reach the Premier League?

Against all odds, Wrexham keep climbing. Can they really reach the Premier League?

by Renegadeforever2024

  1. As long as they’re ready to spend £15-20m for a year in the championship.

    Yes. But I wouldn’t expect much more than championship currently considering their grounds won’t be able to come close to PSR income to spend that much without breaking or atleast nudging some rules.

  2. Against all odds 😂 like lower league teams haven’t risen through the leagues before when they have massive funding. Anyone remember Wigan Athletic

  3. Somehow, against all odds by out spending the entire league put together, they manage to somehow miraculously get promoted.

    Fuck off.

  4. No they can’t reach the Premier League in my opinion.

    Championship, I hope they do, that will be amazing.

    But they will get picked off against the top 10 championship teams for sure if they make it there next season.

  5. Tbh I rather see two actors own a club than some rule breaking oil sheik. Plus I’m a big fan of IASIP lol

  6. This is such a joke.

    7x the average revenue in the Conference. 3.2x the average revenue in League Two. Losses that outstripped everyone in those division by a sizable multiple.

    To put that revenue in perspective, it would be the equivalent of removing everyone in the Premier League’s big 8 except for Liverpool and Newcastle, and then wondering if Liverpool were going to win the league. Of course they’re going to win the league if City, Arsenal, United, Chelsea, Villa, and Spurs aren’t there.

    Now they’re in a league where they don’t have the highest budget – hard to get exact details, but they’re definitely behind Birmingham and probably behind Hudderfield… but they’ll almost certainly be about 3rd.

    This is not an achievement to get where they are. It’s merely performing to the bare minimum expectations of the financial imbalance.

  7. Yes they can teams over years teams have climbed the leagues Fulham, Bolton, Wigan, Swansea, Bradford, Blackpool, Huddersfield, Luton.

    Any team in the championship can make it as long as they don’t start gambling ie Derby.

    Would be a one season wonder more than likely.

  8. The reaction in this thread is utterly embarrassing. Not an accomplishment? Are you fucking dense? You realize they were bought by two actors right? Not some billionaire? It’s an incredible credit to the owners and club staff what they’ve been able to do. One of the greatest marketing displays in sporting history. What they’re doing is something that is available to any semi-rich person with cultural cache and yet Ryan & Rob actually did it and have done it incredibly well

  9. 7 games into the League one season and we’re commenting on whether Wrexham can make it into the PL. I’m much more excited to see which clubs actually get promoted from the championship this season, especially Sunderland.

  10. What odds are they against? Their owners have very smartly worked out a plan that means they’re in a much stronger position than other teams in each league until they get to the prem. it’s inevitable and it’s also well planned. Good for them.

  11. I think their ceiling for a while will be the Championship. They have been able to get good players from leagues one and two to come join them lower down but in the Championship you’re facing teams with budgets much larger than they are and they will have to seriously increase it to have any chance.

    It’s not impossible (obviously) but just way too early in their time.

  12. Against all odds 😂.

    Bringing in championship/ L1 quality players whilst in the conference and L2, paying them wages that no other team can come close to is in no way “against all odds”

    To put that into perspective, when my team (Grimsby) where in the conference we had an initiative from the club that whatever fans donated the club would match to push for promotion

    We raised £100k that year and got promotion. We didn’t spent anywhere near to what Wrexham have spent

    Nowadays too the gulf between championship and L1/L2 is as insane as it is prem to championship. Unless they are prepared to spent a lot they’ll be bouncing around those two leagues

  13. I don’t know if they want to reach the PL for now. They have no revenue to speak of and from a PR perspective does it help to go up and then go down without scoring any points?

    I’m not sure but I’d think it would be better to build up an infrastructure, squad and club environment which allows you to then take advantage of the massive cash injection and at least try and compete to stay up.

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