‘It’s gone’: Trump’s shocking Ukraine stance

What a flog trump is, parroting putins voice. I can tell you from my friends fighting in Ukraine, they will keep fighting, Ukraine isn't for sale trump..get that through your head! You don't have the right to dictate Ukraine's path!

by RR8570

  1. *”Self-important Me tried to make it gone, by blocking the People’s Parliament will to act for 7 months”*

  2. Could you imagine if Canada or Mexico invaded the USA, hypothetically capturing Texas or Michigan…… if Trump was POTUS, he wouldn’t listen to Europe or whoever making demands to surrender…..

    Sorry, this is a bad example as these 2 would never invade the US.

    Russia invaded Alaska….. he isn’t going to hand the keys over for Alaska is he. Why should Ukraine

  3. Are you surprised, he literally said that he would endorse Russia to attack a small NATO nation if it didn’t contribute enough money to the NATO fund account

  4. ???? Ukraine is not getting helped so much by USA.

    SO MUCH OF Europe ,Uk,Canada, Australia… Helping .. they will continue to help without USA.

  5. Trashy Treasonous Trump is looking for favors from Putin, because he is losing his stance here. This moron is on his last leg. He’s running out of crude things to say. Now this.

  6. Diasporas in the US, not just Ukr, should see by now the orange blob would sell everything for his gain..

  7. trump is delusional if he thinks Ukrainians are going to bow down to him and let him dictate what happens to Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign independent country who choose their own path.
    Europe has already said they will step up if the USA betrays Ukraine – why do you think 30+ security agreements/guarantees have been signed and more equipment pledged, not to mention the fact Ukraine’s own production of long range munitions/drones is ramping up.

  8. Making Russia twice as wealthy and closer to Europe is a stupid strategy.
    Oligarchs going broke will win the war and be the best possible outcome for world peace

  9. “Cutting a deal” with Russia before he even takes office is a violation of the Logan Act, a felony punishable with up to 3 years in jail.

  10. >Everytime he came to the US he walked away with 60bn Dollars

    If that was even remotely true there would be Ukrainian flags waving in Moscow right now. Trump seems to be incapable of telling the truth. All this man does is lie and it is so disgusting. People in Ukraine, who had their whole lives ahead of them, were forced to fight and die for the survival of their nation when fascist Russia decided to invade because Putin cannot accept that Russia’s days as a superpower are over. All that these people wanted was to live their lives. None of them were ever a threat to Russia. And now MAGA and other far right forces in the West vilify them to make them look like greedy, selfish and corrupt people who are wasting American taxpayer money. None of these MAGA people cared about the spending in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. even though those wars were SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than aid to Ukraine. Aid to Ukraine is a tiny fraction of U.S. federal spending, most of the aid didn’t cost anything at all because it was material aid, taken out of long term storages. Blaming the people who are defending themselves, ridiculing them, insulting them – it makes me sick. MAGA has no class, no morals, no empathy. They are braindead drones who are incapable of thinking for themselves. The future of western democracies has rarely been as threatened as it is now. If Ukraine loses and Trump wins in November, the world will become drastically worse and that is a fact.

  11. It was obvious Republicans were going to try and help Russia when they invaded. It’s just mind blowing how Russia captured the GOP

  12. Trump is telling in no uncertain terms to Ukrainians “You are redundant, die already!” I don’t know what will be the course of action for Ukraine if this lying scum wins and becomes president, I hope Zelenskiy has a plan.

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