Grooming gang of predatory men who targeted teenage girls in Plymouth are jailed after another victim came forward with key evidence after seeing BBC television Rochdale drama Three Girls

Grooming gang of predatory men who targeted teenage girls in Plymouth are jailed after another victim came forward with key evidence after seeing BBC television Rochdale drama Three Girls

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. I had no idea there was yet another grooming gang case going to court. I’m glad it’s all coming to light now, but it’s genuinely horrifying how many of them there are/were.

  2. For fuck sake how much longer. How many more gangs are there. Youd think that fucking ONE of these would be enough but we hear a new one every week!

    These people clearly fucking think that British girls are free range. Why are they allowed to be here!

  3. I’m glad these men are finally facing justice.

    I can only hope thst better mechanisms are put in place to encourage more women to come forward and force authorities to act and take such accusations seriously.

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