Orbán’s advisor doubts that Hungary would resist in event of Russian invasion

Orbán’s advisor doubts that Hungary would resist in event of Russian invasion


by SoftwareExact9359

  1. The Hungarian government is unlikely to respond to military aggression from Russia with resistance. Budapest considers opposing the invasion, as Ukraine has done, to be irresponsible, states Balázs Orbán, advisor to the Prime Minister of Hungary.

  2. At least he is being honest about who he works for.
    So is trump now – just give putin whatever he wants, who cares about millions of people…
    A true American hero patriot…. My ass

  3. What an uplifting message for the people of Hungary, that their spineless politicians are going to welcome the invasion with open arms and wouldn’t mind Budapest getting steamrolled

  4. To the Hunbros who explain to us that politics is hard and that old people are brainwashed: hope you don’t have to explain that to the Russians (or any other invading force) if they come knocking.

  5. “Strongmen” are only strong when it comes to bullying the weak.

    West should remember it when reading new proclamations from Putin.

  6. Sensible comment. You don’t bite the hand that feeds. Now back to work Orban and suck that khuylo!

  7. sincerely curious as to why people keep voting for Orban. is there like a desire to return to USSR times amongst some hungarians?

  8. Oh my god, he shouldn’t be saying that, he shouldn’t be saying that, he shouldn’t be saying that…

    Why is he so incompetent?!

  9. If only Hungary was on the border with Russia and not in central Europe. We would let them join Russia Mir.

  10. Why is this sort of a “Philippe Pétain” not dismissed? Except, this is worse, Pétain started collaborating *after* a military defeat, this is happening while the “Hitler” (Putin) is actually bogged down in his attack with no path to victory.

  11. Man, even if that’s true, why the fuck would you publicly say it? What a dumbass thing to say as a high level politician.

  12. This is exactly a “kurva anyádat” situation. Shame on those who keep supporting these traitors.

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