Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay

Unions say ‘blatant’ violations of international wage protections have tipped many into extreme poverty

Posted by tallzmeister

1 comment

    The most common example used for force majeure in contract law is war. When war breaks out it cannot be reasonable demanded that a contract still remain valid, especially if the contract was between parties who are now shooting at each other.

    This also happened with the Ukraine-Russian war. I worked for a company where we had to decline contracted work in Russia because there was now a state of war, and service contracts signed before war broke out could no longer be honored due to the restrictions imposed by war. Yes, the customer paid for the product and service. Yes, as a company we received payment before the war broke out. Now that there’s war and sanctions with restricted travel and banking bans it is impossible to honor the contract at the current time. Even refunds are impossible due to banking bans. We will try to honor the contract as best as possible after the war is over, though no one has any idea how many years that may be.

    The same goes with Palestinian workers who used to have jobs before the war broke out. Its unfortunate that so Palestinians lost their jobs with Israeli companies, but employment cannot continue due the state of war. Hamas should have considered the economic impact before launching their attack and starting the current war.

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