Replacing mini-boiler in the kitchen – Altbau

So we have been promised upon moving that an inquiry into replacing this with a more modern boiler will be made. However our landlady says that the plumber informed her that only this mounted small boiler can be set into this particular kitchen as the pipes do not go all the way down.
This is a very surprising installation for me to see in Germany, never saw something like this before.. is there really no other more modern alternative to this? We cook a lot and it is a nightmare to wash dishes using this.

by HiCora

  1. In some very old houses that is sadly the only case.

    You should start washing your dishes with cold water.

    Oh and just a friendly advice: heating your water with this uses a lot of electricity so learn how to reduce your warm water consumption.

  2. Well my mom has something like a faucet with instantaneous water heater, perhaps that could be an option (needs much electricity). You have hot flowing water.


    Edit :

    the link is only an example if you search ” Armatur mit Durchlauferhitzer” you will find many different offers. Price from 25-1500€

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