This is the world we live in

This is the world we live in

Posted by SeverTelephone

  1. Not just see “a statue of Hitler” but “a statue of Hitler erected on the town square by decree of the town government”.

  2. Respect which is demanded or forced is NOT respect, it’s compliance. Nothing more.

    Traditions including religion(!) do not automatically deserve our respect. Ever.

  3. It’s still crazy, also it’s a literal traitor to the country. Hitler analogy aside the fact that statues were built and protected of literal traitors is everything you need to know about Jan 6th and MAGA politics.

  4. So what? History is a set of facts, not a pool of emotion and opinion. Put the Hitler statue next to MLK or whatever.

  5. As a Brit, the fact that America has Confederate statues baffles me, and I agree that they should all be toppled and melted down.

    However, this is a bit of a false equivalence. The North Atlantic slave trade was a fucking horrible dark stain on human history but it was a terrible means to a pretty innocent ends, growing crops.

    The holocaust was a continental scale genocide of an entire race. It was industrial death and destruction for the sake of death and destruction.

    Not everything needs to be compared to the Nazis. Somethings are their own flavour of horrible.

  6. Anyone who legitimately says the confederacy is their heritage is just adding another indictment of the American education system. They need to go read an actual history book. I’ve taken shits that lasted longer than the confederacy.

  7. To all you woke mob out there, my town will never tear down its Hitler statue! It’s local flavor and part of our community!

  8. There has never been an internet comment ever written that is worth reading that begins “let’s paint a picture” and that includes the late Bob Ross

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