A cheap, low-tech solution for storing carbon may be sitting in the dirt

A cheap, low-tech solution for storing carbon may be sitting in the dirt


by Maxcactus

1 comment
  1. A 3,775-year-old log unintentionally discovered under a farm in Canada may point to a deceptively simple method of locking climate-warming carbon out of the atmosphere for thousands of years, according to a study published Thursday.
    “This accidental discovery really gave a critical data point,” said Ning Zeng, a University of Maryland climate scientist whose team unearthed the ancient chunk of wood.
    “It’s a single data point,” he added, but it “provides the data point we need to really say under what conditions we can preserve wood for a thousand years or longer.”
    Figuring out ways of sequestering carbon may be crucial to meeting the world’s goal of halting warming beyond 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, which scientists agree is necessary for forestalling the most disastrous consequences of climate change.

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