Melania Trump Tells Fox News Her Husband Is A ‘Family Man’ And The Internet Gags

Melania Trump Tells Fox News Her Husband Is A ‘Family Man’ And The Internet Gags

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. He’s such a family man he cheats on his wives to create new families as well as rapes other women.

  2. Right. Everytime you see her with the orange you can feel the love in the air…………
    If i had such a love Story with my wife we would have divorced long time ago.

  3. She slapped his hand as she said that lol

    I am still flabbergasted that the religious right supports the most immoral candidate in history…

  4. Maybe the language barrier is at play here, perhaps she’s referring to when he openly fantasizes about fucking his daughter.

  5. I mean, if gleefully employing nepotism counts as being a family man, then, maybe she has a point. /s

  6. How much money did Trump have to pay her to say good things about him? Because I doubt she’d say anything good about him for free.

  7. Wonder how much Traitor Trump paid his courtesan wife to spout that bullshit.
    3 wives,countless lovers and who knows how many abortions shows him to be an upstanding cheater, liar ,and thief.

  8. Is that why he threatens witnesses, jurors, and anybody trying to do their job honestly? Then has his thugs bully every family member of their because they don’t believe his lies?

  9. Nothing says a family man like having five children from three different wives, one porn star, one sexual assault conviction and numerous rape allegation….


  10. Why is it that this Einstein visa recipient can barely speak English? I mean, her accent, her inability to string words together? Like on a middle school level.

    At least Russian mobsters had the decency to send their girlfriends to fucking finishing school. I’ll bet this manky hooker uses her salad fork on her entree.

    The whole family is just such trash. Take some English classes, you grifting chorva.

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