You do you Laura.

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. What Laura Inbred means to say is that without the kindly old man to kick around they’ll have to fall back on their usual playbook: racism, misogyny and xenophobia

  2. “Democrats should have stuck with Joe!”

    “Why, is Harris less popular?”

    “No, but she’s devastating to my side!”

  3. Date when this was said?  Not that I like these people, but I suspect this is old and pointless.

  4. Says a talking head at the propaganda channel that helped push DumbOld Trump Srs lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Costing them, $787 million when Dominion sued for defamation, and internal emails and texts from FQX proved they knowingly lied about he election being stolen because their MAGA viewers are snowflakes who couldn’t cope with Trumps loss. And honestly reporting that the election fraud conspiracies were complete and utter bullshit would cost FQX viewers, ratings, and revenue.

  5. The gas lighting is so crazy. Tommy Tueberville was on Fox yesterday saying that Kamala should just drop out for…reasons…

  6. Now now, cut her some slack. What she said translates as “probably the single best political decision in a century” in the language of her homeworld, Planet Bizarro.

  7. Russia paid good money for all of these jabs against Joe Biden we had planned and now Putin is pissed because we won’t give him a refund.

  8. “I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul” don’t cut a great quote short.

  9. Repeat a lie often enough and (at least some) people will believe it.

    This is the entire strategy of the Republican Party at this point.

  10. She’s just upset because when we see a crazy headline about “Laura”, we assume it’s about Loomer these days.

  11. They have nothing to say about Kamala, so they’re trying to take the same old shit they said about Biden and Hillary and leveling it at Kamala. Like they literally just did a Find/Replace in their TalkingPoints.doc file and are reading from it and praying it works.

  12. girl, da hell chu want?! According to you, and the rest of Fox News, Joe sucks, Kamala sucks, Trump sucks. who the hell do you want?!

  13. Imagine what it’s like in Laura’s head. She’s a career woman who thinks women are second class human beings who are not competant to lead men or be in charge of their own lives.

    Does she fantasize about being subjugation by some man?

  14. Can you imagine saying something that stupid on TV? I would never show my face in public again.

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