Pakistani man dies in Greek police custody due to alleged torture

Pakistani man dies in Greek police custody due to alleged torture

Pakistani man dies in Greek police custody due to alleged torture

by ZealousidealPeace236

  1. This homicide involves 5 police stations as the man was transferred between stations for the duration of his detention and torture. Images of the bruised body point to severe beating and even foot whipping. The official report given by the greek police authorities is that the death resulted from “pathological causes”. If gone unpunished this would add to a long list of similar cases from the greek police and further emphasize the decay of judicial authorities in Greece.

  2. > inb4 users with generic reddit usernames like [thoughtful-sloth-9274] because they get permabanned 7 times a day are commenting xenophobic and irrelevant stuff

  3. This is not the first news like this that goes un-noticed… this summer an Indian illegal worker got his arm cut while working in a farm in Italy and was left to die on the side of the road… Europe is becoming a really becoming inhumane…

  4. Albanians have been getting that for years.Nothing will happen and these things will carry on happening.Greece is a typical Balkan country.Human rights are optional.

  5. Greek officers systematically torture the immigrants. Especially in the Islands, prisons are like torture camps. Stealing valuables, beating, raping you name it.

  6. Greek Police is rotten to the very core. Most of them are members of Golden Dawn and other far-right extremist/fascist political parties, and the only reason we have not become America is the fact that guns are not given as freely to them, else you’d be seeing these kinds of news every other day.

    And while unfortunately immigrants are their main target (usually Pakistani, Albanian and Bulgarian people, but not limited to that obviously), they have also killed Greek citizens before.

    In 2018, a very prominent LGBT+ Rights activist and Drag Queen ‘Zackie Oh’ was killed in cold blood by a mob of policemen (most of them part of Golden Dawn) in broad daylight after trying to find refuge inside a jewelry shop from a fight that had broken out. The media and police tried to paint this as him ‘trying to rob the jewelry shop’ in an attempt to paint him as a criminal, but this was later overruled. Another similar instance happened in 2008 when a policeman shot a teen boy in cold blood, which back in the day caused a massive amount of riots to break out in protest.

    The Greek government suffers from a profound amount of corruption, and the police is absolutely one of the vilest parts of it.

    Now to wait for the bunch of far-right bootlickers to come and defend the pigs. Any second now…

  7. maybe he should have stayed in Pakistan instead of attacking greek women. NO SHARIA IN THE EU

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