Summertime in Ukraine- trailer for an upcoming film about Americans fighting for Ukraine.


by PuzzleheadedHyena943

  1. This goes so unbelievably hard, fucking huge props to those guys man actual wartime heroes. All good soldiers past and present are looking down with immense pride on these fellas!

  2. I hear a lot of places that would be considered “liberals” but no many pro-second amendment enthusiast conservative places.

  3. A friend’s son is over there fighting. When the war started, he had graduated high school, went over to Ukraine to do humanitarian aid, and is now fighting with a group of Americans, former Rangers, and such. He’s 20yrs old, I hope he’s safe.

  4. Wow. This is one of the few things that makes me proud to be an American. If there is a war to fight, we are there to back up whoever is fighting for freedom and for the rights of human beings to exist. Makes me wish I could do the same. I’d only be a hindrance, but I want to help these people.

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