I’m a teacher. Found this photo in a 40 year old civics textbook…..

Posted by twice_baked_tater

  1. I recently learned that “america first” was an old KKK slogan from the 20s…

    Funny that trump decided to reuse it

  2. The conservative mindset is not a creative one. They’ve been fearmongering about “communists” since the Bolshevik revolution. That’s over 100 years of the exact same sloganeering.

  3. Interesting how Trump erased the collaborative “let’s” from MAGA since he did nothing to actually improve life in America

  4. The start of the real war on the middle class and the black hole of wealth sucking to the rich.

  5. I was listening to Rachel Maddox’s podcast Ultra and was suprised by the same words being used in the 30’s and 40’s being used exactly the same way. Older than many Redditors and maybe history class has changed since then but, we were taught everyone was all in on the war effort to defeat the Nazis. Now with a better understanding of how many US citizens were actively trying to make us lose.

  6. Boomers want to return to a time of their youth where the country was a bit better. Homes were easier to get. Education was cheaper. Society and community was stronger. Workers had good pay and rights. Benefits that would help them support a family

    But they’re wanting to return to a time that their grandparents and parents worked very hard to give them. They grew up in that America but they didn’t create it. They were the beneficiaries of the hard work of generations before them.

    Simply put Boomers don’t want to live in the America Boomers created. They want to go back to the America that was gifted to them in their youth

  7. intresting how Reagan used the “let’s make amercica great” – giving the idea that we all work togehter for a shared vision and come together to bring this place to its next level. But now without the “lets” its just reads as an order at no matter the cost to commuity and has lost its friendly connotation.

  8. I remember this, and I remember voting for Reagan, I believed his bullshit, I’m sorry.
    The orange moron couldn’t even come up with his own slogan. Fuck him.

  9. Um, a teacher would be like “turn to page 253 in your text book, read it for yourself.”

    Thank you for the content btw.

  10. Some of us were also disgusted with Reagan the same way that we are disgusted with Trump. Although there might be a difference in degree between the two, there is no difference in kind.

  11. Funny thing is even my mom, whose just a little to the left of Lenin, voted for Reagan twice. Crazy how views change. Perspective is a hell of a thing. I’m pushing 40 and I wonder what is going to hit me in 20 years.

  12. Republicans have been promising to make the country great for many decades, but when they get into office they only make things worse.

  13. This bum steals everything, even his campaign slogan from a man who would detest him if he were alive today.

  14. Fucking, Trickledown Reaganomics destroyed the free worlds economies and set the stage for disaster. Possibly the biggest grift of all time.

  15. Get Me Roger Stone was a pretty good documentary. It talks about his influence in both Reagan’s and Trump’s campaigns. Same slogan, same ratfucker.

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