Another footage of the massive air strike by Israel in Beirut , Lebanon

Another footage of the massive air strike by Israel in Beirut , Lebanon

by DavidGman

  1. Curious what’s up with the red smoke. Hezbollah wouldn’t co-locate their headquarters with a rocket storage or bomb-making facility, would they? Would they be THAT dumb? Or maybe… 100 feet underground is where they felt safe putting all that stuff, even if it was all in one place.

    It just doesn’t seem *wise* to put your command HQ in the same underground facility as a massive ammonium nitrate or rocket fuel store.

    Edit: A mildly rude reply suggested Beirut has a red sandy soil and google says that’s true

  2. i don’t get how everyone is attacking israel like they were randomly attacked their citizens were taken hostage, and then you expect a country to not retaliate and try to take out terrorists? some collateral damage will always happen in a war man

  3. So terrorists have picked on a really nationalistic nation willing to do whatever it takes to defend itself… now the terrorists are running away scared because said nation is kicking the shit out of them… oh look.. the consequences of their actions…

  4. What kind of air strike is this? Bombs dropped from planes? Rockets shot from planes/ground. Rockets from drones?

  5. Recent tweet from a very reputable Israeli reporter:

    “Following the IDF strike on Beirut, communication has been lost with Hezbollah’s senior leadership, a source close to the terror group tells Reuters.”

  6. that looks like the same kind of ammonium nitrate fertilizer red smoke from the 2020 port of beirut explosion.

  7. Given the temporary ebb of Pax Americana where war will resume its natural baseline level (until the reassertion of an actual American empire mid-Century). During this time, perhaps we can sponsor a educational foundation that teaches “how to film combat in your local area”. Steady hand, no zoomies, good framing, stready hand with the fear of shrapnel etc. Useful life lessons.

  8. Mass walkout at UN today, as almost every country unanimously agrees that what is happening in Palestine is a genocide.

  9. He’s yelling “oh Ali! the world is ending”

    Then his daughters cry

    Then he yells at them “don’t be scared”

    And then again “the world is ending”


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