Trump thinks tariffs are a cure-all, even for world peace—here’s how they actually work

Trump thinks tariffs are a cure-all, even for world peace—here’s how they actually work

by FUSeekMe69

  1. In essence tariffs make an economy more insular.  Whether that’s a good or bad thing will depend on the industry and the situation of the economy, population, and competition.

    Like anything in life it will come with upsides and downsides as well.  I think the US could stand to benefit from making it’s economy more insular to a small degree.  The goal would be to spur domestic production, but it would come at a cost of reduced competitiveness.  All things in moderation.

    As others have said administrations on both sides have kept the tariffs in place.  Let that be a testament to their effectiveness.

  2. Biden still kept all the tariffs up on China that Trump implemented. Trump had tariffs all during his administration and it was no problem, don’t know why ya’ll turning this nothing burger into a big thing. Too much TDS around here.

  3. LOL Listen up all you stupid people, multi-millionaire author & editor Paul Wiseman from Fortune is going to explain why economic policies that keep jobs in America are bad (for multi-millionaires and billionaires).

  4. How much of the typical middle class budget goes toward goods that would be subject to tariffs?

    Housing/rent? No

    Food? No

    Medical care? No

    Insurance? No

    Utilities? No

    Gas/Fuel? No

    Imported chinese crap? OK, yes, maybe a few % of the total family budget. Hardly inflationary or punitive to the people Harris pretends to care about.

  5. Can’t get through the paywall.

    So I think we all agree keeping jobs in America is great but we’re so dependent on China cheap labor which is 50-70% less than here. So if you put a 20% import tax, it’s still 30-60% cheaper to get your trump merch and american flags from China.

    We have a 10% import tax now don’t we ? How much has that affected imports ? Has anyone here tried to buy 1000 of anything on Alibaba ? The sellers advertise prices before imports it’s up to ME as a buyer to pay them resulting in higher prices to the consumer.

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