Trump’s Meeting With Zelenskiy Went About as Well as You’d Expect

Trump’s Meeting With Zelenskiy Went About as Well as You’d Expect

by Barch3

  1. The fact that he stood next to Zelensky and mentioned his (Trump’s) good relationship with putin is just so stupid and embarrassing. (But Trump isn’t capable of being ashamed or embarrassed, so never mind.)

    Trump, still while standing right next to Zelensky, said that he wanted to make a deal between the two that was [“good for both sides.”]( First of all, what does that even mean, and secondly, I guess Trump thinks there are “very fine people on both sides.”

    It’s so sad that Zelensky has to spend any time interacting with Trump at all. I can’t imagine what it’s like to force yourself to be polite to someone you ***know*** is friends with your greatest enemy, who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of your people.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and there’s this:

    >In a separate interview, Trump [said]( that Zelenskiy was seeking a “fair transaction” to end the war in Ukraine. “The president wants it to stop. And I’m sure President Putin wants it to stop. And that’s a good combination.”

    I’m pretty sure putin does not want it to stop.

  2. Imagine surviving the battle of Mariupol. Most of your neighbors fled, are dead and buried under cheap Potemkin buildings, were kidnapped and taken to penal colonies/orphanages, or in some cases unwillingly or willingly collaborate with Russia. You do what you can to not atract the attention of the Kadyrovite filth that infests the city, and the only hope of liberation takes the form of occasional cruise missile strikes on Russian targets.

    Then November 2024 rolls around, Orange Chamberlain wins because of a bullshit electoral system that most of his own people don’t understand, and tells you that you will remain a slave to Russia via a fickle “ceasefire.” If Ukraine rebukes him and continues to fight, he reiterates that Russia will be allowed to do “whatever the hell it wants” – meaning he will gladly watch as the horrors of Mariupol are unleashed on unoccupied Ukraine.

  3. I feel so bad for Zelenskiy. A world class leader during wartime having to play nice with a person who wants to sell out his entire people to a war criminal Putin if he gets a chance. Vote full ticket Democrat this election and let’s show our ally we are with them all the way

  4. Volodymyr ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’ Zelenskyy *vs.* Donald ‘Can’t Even Look at my Political Opponent’ Trump.

    What a fucking sham.

  5. And Trump said ” Hey Zelensky, you know i support Russia and Putin, so the war will end when you surrender, we will make you surrender very fast”
    Idk how any american can see anything wise in this POS, i mean this guy is dumb. Hopefully Kamala will win.

    Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  6. This is good news. I’m glad they have a clear understanding of the situation and can move towards peace.

  7. I was honestly expecting Trump to say “he’s brave, but not as brave as me” which would just have been utterly soul destroying

  8. He didn’t need to meet with Trump as he’s a civilian, thought that was against candidate rules?

  9. Trump Chooses Ukraine Opponent as Running Mate

    “They are celebrating in Moscow tonight,” former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger said of Trump’s VP choice, JD Vance.

    “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” Vance said in an episode of Steve Bannon’s War Room.

    Vance on Ukraine

    “The opponents of further aid to Ukraine and I count myself among them, say, this is a Chamberlain vs. Churchill kind of moment. We need to come up with another analogy instead of WW2, just replaying itself over and over again.

    Donald Trump has picked Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his vice presidential running mate. This was the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin’s top pick to be Trump’s Vice President. JD Vance is the most anti-Ukraine and pro-Russian senator, and that is why Trump picked him.

    Here is JD Vance speaking on the floor of the US Senate in April of this year before voting against military aid to Ukraine.

    JD Vance believes:

    Supporting Ukraine will lead to World War III (nonsense, not supporting Ukraine will lead there)

    Russia’s victory against Ukraine is inevitable (Russian propaganda talking point and a lie)

    America’s military is too weak to support Ukraine (that is just Vance being delusional)

    Ukraine is corrupt and stealing American tax money (No they are not stealing tax money, 90 percent
    of the money never leaves the US, just more Russian propaganda)

    Russia only wants peace and NATO only wants war. (Russian propaganda again, the aggressor is Russia not NATO)

    – Ukraine is persecuting Christians (Projection, Russia is persecuting minorities and Christians)

    – Ukraine is forcing mentally disabled people to fight (Russia is doing that not Ukraine)

    – Ukrainians are dying for nothing (They fight for their freedom, this utterance is deplorable, cynical and evil.)

    – Russia isn’t that bad (Russia commits large scale genocide against Ukraine, rapes, kills and torturers civilians and has recently destroyed a Children’s cancer hospital)

    Donald Trump picks, Sen. JD Vance as his running mate. This might be the most stupid, dangerous and ignorant man he could have found for the job.

    JD Vance a few years ago on Trump:

    He might be “America’s Hitler.” “Idiot if you voted for him”

    A Trump-Vance ticket is openly anti-Ukraine, anti-NATO, and for a weaker and isolated America. True conservatives can not vote for this.

    From all of choices for a running mate Trump choose one of the strongest Kremlin supporters

    Here, we’ll make it easy for you, here’s *most* of the times JD Vance has trashed Donald Trump, all in one place.

    JD trashing Trump: A Thread

    Vance called Trump dangerous, “divisive and arrogant” several times on multiple different occasions in 2016:

    He was so open with his opposition of Trump that he posted two now deleted tweets pleading with fellow Christians to denounce Trump:

    Vance wrote a lengthy Op-Ed for Atlantic where he said Trump is: “cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it” and warned, “perhaps the nation will trade the quick high of ‘Make America Great Again’ for

    Vance: “That’s the big problem with Trump- he diagnoses the problem in a very successful and passionate way but I don’t see him offering many solutions.”

    Bret Baier confronted Vance on FOX News about his comments against Trump- highlighting all of his criticisms including calling voters an “idiot if you voted for him [Trump]” and likens Trump to Hitler.

    Vance told NPR in 2016: “…if I feel like Trump has a really good chance of winning, that I might have to hold my nose & vote for Hillary Clinton. I can’t stomach Trump…he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.”

    In addition to many of his own comments disparaging Trump, JD Vance also liked countless anti-Trump tweets as well and then deleted them.

    man, just rename this app to MAGA Social already.

    Europe reacts to J.D. Vance as Trump’s VP pick: ‘This is a disaster for Ukraine’
    Some foreign leaders are now even more nervous about a potential second Trump administration.

    The billionaire who fueled JD Vance’s rapid rise to the Trump VP spot — analysis

    “Donald Trump works for Russia, that is why he chose J.D. Vance. Jake Broe

    “Billionaires like Thiel and Musk do not care about America. They are globalists they care only about they care about.” Jake Broe

  10. You can literally sub Zelensky’s name for literally any other world leader’s name and that headline would still be accurate. That time where he walked in front of the English Queen and then looked as if he couldn’t find her was priceless. Or when he met Theressa May and kept holding her hand as if he was an elderly lady in need of an escort was also hilarious if also a little creepy.

  11. >Trump has previously touted his skills as a dealmaker when promising to bring an end to the war in Ukraine, which has killed more than 11,000 people.

    11,000, huh?

  12. Surprise surprise Putins proxy wasn’t amenable to wanting Russia to leave Ukraine and instead wants a deal now.

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