UN General assembly walks out on Netayahu

UN General assembly walks out on Netayahu
byu/binneysaurass inanime_titties

Posted by binneysaurass

  1. After flattening six apartment buildings this evening, the IDF has just announced that they are going to strike Beirut again, per Haaretz. I guess they’re going to bomb the ambulances now.

  2. This disgusting creature needs to face an international tribunal, followed by a lifelong imprisonment. Not in the UN, or at the head of a country.

    This walkout is the bare minimum, at best, but it’s nice that he’s getting the respect he deserves (none).

    The other countries can make good on this display by further sanctioning Israel.

  3. Netanyahu is no different than Hitler or Pol Pot. why the west coddles him and sends more weapons cannot be described as anything other than the descent of liberalism into violent fascism and ethnic supremacy

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