Ukrainische Beamte genehmigen Liste der Zulassungsbedingungen für medizinisches Marihuana gemäß dem neuen Legalisierungsgesetz des Landes

Ukrainische Beamte genehmigen Liste der Zulassungsbedingungen für medizinisches Marihuana gemäß dem neuen Legalisierungsgesetz des Landes

Ukrainian Officials Approve List Of Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions Under Country’s New Legalization Law

  1. It’s hard to remember sometimes that even though the country has been invaded and is at war, that the government is still doing non-war things.

  2. If they could kindly legalize it for recreational use so that I can smoke weed without a medical condition that would be great. I miss weed and Europe is really dragging its feet.

  3. A fairly standard set of medical conditions for a nation just starting a medical cannabis program. Hopefully in a few years the rules can be amended to make it *any* condition as long as a doctor believes it will help. The next step after that is Recreational…

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