Subtle, local Republican newsletter.

Subtle, local Republican newsletter.

Posted by WillSym

  1. Nothing reminds me more of what a joke the Republican Party is then when they try to act like they’re the party of Abraham Lincoln. It’s like a 6 year old kid with chocolate ice cream dripping down his face saying “I didn’t eat it!”

  2. I thought Republicans would claim Stalin since they’re all for Russia now and authoritarian regimes. Oh wait, they probably can’t forgive him for beating Hitler.

  3. Poll worker here.

    It is astonishing how many of the thousands and thousands that come through our site complain we do not have just a “Republican button”. We have never had a demand for a “Democrat button”.

  4. I don’t recall Stalin or Mao ever belonging to the Democratic party. And I don’t think the guy who abolished slavery would have been too keen on Reagan’s “welfare queens and Willie Horton” dog whistling.

  5. Would Democrats start to call Republicans “The Republic Party” just to be weird dicks? The official name is “The Democratic Party” But Rush Limbaugh decided “With the tyrannical Obama regime they aren’t democratic anymore. So now I call them the Democrat party”

    It was a little tell in which bubbles people were in, but now I think it’s lost, and even MSNBC will say it that way.

    For anyone wonder what’s the big deal, it’s a bully-power move to not call someone by their name. Then, when the person complains, you paint them as oversensitive. “Oh, noes, look at this emotional democrat over here, so worried about their own names, WE WORRY ABOUT THE AMERICA PEOPLE and how Democrats ruined it all!!”

  6. The same Republican Party that removed Harris and walz from the ticket in Montana to help them win the senate seat – shocked shocked I tell you.

    If there’s no consequences for this shenanigans they’ll go bigger and badder

  7. What this is really saying is, ” Voting is an expression of your voice in politics, but you are too stupid to know your own voice. Here is your voice because we’re the good guys trying to save you, and they are the bad guys who will destroy your life, so you will do as we tell you because freedom and ‘murica… MAGA” And they eat it up like hot dogs on the 4th of July.

  8. When California passed the law allowing for abortion, guess who the Republican Governor was?

  9. It’s funny how they say Dems are communist authoritarians but republicans are the only ones trying to control people.

  10. The irony here is that they actually really would love Stalin.

    They worship Putin but don’t connect the dots between them because they are idiots. Political casuals are just the worst.

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