Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for throwing soup on Sunflowers

Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for throwing soup on Sunflowers


Posted by JackFlyNorth

  1. Oil people finding the biggest, most annoying group of idiots they could find on the other side of the issue and secretly paying them thousands to embarrass themselves.

  2. I swear JSO is a psyop to make climate activists look stupid.

    This is totally invalid because I couldn’t find anything on it but I swear I remember reading something a few years ago about how JSO was founded by an Oil magnate or something…

  3. So, serious question: when protestors glue/chain themselves to solid structures, what’s to stop the owners from just…leaving them there? I mean, I know they’re doing this for the attention, but imagine if the museum just quietly emptied the room of art, and turned off the lights and closed the doors to that wing. Leaving them in the dark like a bunch of naughty children.

  4. I support them. None of this shit is worth anything if we are all too dead to enjoy it. I say burn every work of art of if it would save one life. We need to realign our values.

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