Despite warnings, Texas rushed to remove millions from Medicaid. Eligible residents lost care.

Despite warnings, Texas rushed to remove millions from Medicaid. Eligible residents lost care.

by BikkaZz

  1. “For three years during the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government gave Texas and other states billions of dollars in exchange for their promise not to exacerbate the public health crisis by kicking people off Medicaid.

    When that agreement ended last year, Texas moved swiftly, kicking off more people faster than any other state.

    Officials acknowledged some errors after they stripped Medicaid coverage from more than 2 million people, most of them children.

    That decision was devastating in Texas, which already insures a smaller percentage of its population through Medicaid than almost any other state and is one of 10 that never expanded eligibility after the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

    But Texas opted for speed, launching reviews of about 4.6 million cases in the first six months. It also decided against the more vigorous use of automatic renewals urged by the federal government, forcing nearly everyone to resubmit documents proving they qualified.

    Nearly 1.4 million of those who lost coverage were disenrolled for bureaucratic reasons like failing to return a form or completing one incorrectly, not because they weren’t eligible.

    Among them were children forced to forgo or postpone lifesaving operations such as heart surgeries.

    As attorney general more than a decade ago, Gov. Greg Abbott helped lead a successful lawsuit against the federal government to ensure states didn’t have to cover more residents under Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act.

    Since then, Abbott and state lawmakers have continued to severely limit the program to mostly children, pregnant women and disabled adults. Poor adults aren’t typically eligible for Medicaid unless they have children. Parents of two kids must earn a combined income of less than $285 monthly to qualify for coverage.

    A spokesperson for Abbott declined an interview on his behalf and did not respond to a request for comment on the state’s handling of the unwinding.”

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    No more federal funds for Texas crapplenator thieving our taxpayers money handouts for his domestic terrorism predatory practices….🐗

    But..but…far right extremists republikans are ‘pro’ business…🤑

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