Admiral Kuznetsov: Russia Won’t Retire the Worst Aircraft Carrier Ever

Admiral Kuznetsov: Russia Won’t Retire the Worst Aircraft Carrier Ever

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. It’s essentially mothballed. It has no crew as they’ve all been reassigned. The likelihood it ever sails again is *very* low. Even if it did it would serve no practical purpose for Russia in their current conflict.

  2. It’s proof that the sunk cost fallacy is the primary motivation in the russian mind. They built it. It must be successful, no matter the cost.

    Maybe a little like that 3 day long “not war” they’ve been waging.

  3. This thing was decades obsolete when they laid her keel. Russia would do well to abandon her and order a type 003 or 004 from the Chinese.

    The most interesting thing, though, is that it *could* be improved and placed in active duty– the Chinese still operate the *Kuznetzov* class *Liaoning* in active service, as well as a domestically built modified *Kuznetzov* class vessel .

    But Russia isn’t capable of that. So instead they glorify a broken system they can’t fix, even as the world moves past… and meet the derision of the world with a sense of misdirected pride even as it continues to crumble.

    I can’t think of a better symbol for the Russian state.

  4. To retire it would be admitting how shitty it is. Also, every part of it has been stripped to the innards and it’s not hot to reveal that.

  5. Imagine how bad a conflict would have to be going for the US to start pulling naval crews to make infantry units.

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