It is a lot closer than people realize

It is a lot closer than people realize

Posted by warrior242

  1. No….it’s not. MSM has to push that since they are under trump’s thumb and cannot report that he is losing bigly. Polls are biased. Pay attention. It’s not even close. However, R’s will do everything they can to cheat out of losing. They are already delaying GA results since they know they are not going to go their way. But sane and rational people are on to them and already have preventative measures in place. It’s not even close to tied.

  2. I don’t think it’s as close as the polls say.

    But it also remains that Kamala’s win has to be convincing and impossible to refute.

    Because Trump and his cronies are going to do everything they can to throw it all into chaos.

    In 2020 there were something like 60+ lawsuits. Expect ten times that this year, in almost every state.

    We need all the swing states to come through. We need to tell Trump once and for all that he’s not wanted here.

  3. Truth is it isn’t tied and hasn’t been at any point. The media gets more attention by pushing this false narrative. With the number of high level Republicans defecting, the enthusiasm around Harris’ campaign, and the Trump campaign shooting itself in the foot constantly the divide is there and growing by the day.

  4. Because half of the people in this country are a bunch of racist morons and they want a racist moron for president.

  5. Man the responses in here are giving me 2016 vibes.

    Truth is Harris will likely win the popular vote by millions but the race itself is probably going to come down to less than 50k people across a handful of states.

    Hopefully Harris and other Democratic candidates continue to over perform vs the polling.

  6. Only if women and gen z stay home. I hope they do not. With those demographics Harris simply cannot lose.

  7. The only reason it could be a close race is because intelligence is low, and propaganda works.

  8. My tinfoil hat theory is people running these polls are inflating trumps numbers to scare democrats into voting so he’ll lose by a landslide and shut the hell up and go away (hopefully)

  9. Definitely not as close as polls say. Trump’s base hasn’t grown, it’s shrunk and the only thing that kept it from shrinking further is he somehow picked up a few new supporters to replace some that died off (with due to his incompetence handling COVID or simply old age as Republicans tend to be older) but not enough to replace them all or grow beyond the MAGA base.

    Harris meanwhile is packing arenas in both swing states and traditionally republican leaning states, getting endorsements and pledges of votes from more and more Republicans, and is energizing the youth vote probably like no other candidate since Obama. And let’s not forget Trump’s Supreme Court picks overturned Roe v Wade, he’s got Project2025 attached to him, and he’s a convicted felon who if somehow elected can’t enter dozens of countries due to being a criminal. At least in 2016 he was just a shady businessman who was an outsider, what’s his selling point in 2024 to convince more people than in 2016 to vote for him in swing states?

    That said, go out and make sure to vote to leave no doubt how big the landslide loss for Trump is going to be.

  10. None of these polls will matter to the final result. Hell, with all the last minute rule changes, vpter expulsion and electoral college manipulation… The final poll doesn’t necessarily mean shit.

  11. There was some news reporting back in 2016 about how some percentage of voters said they’d vote for Clinton but didn’t because they apparently just weren’t comfortable with a woman being President. Y’know, PMS and all that. I haven’t read anything like that this cycle, but I’m sure there are folks out there who still have that mentality.

  12. It might be, it might not be. Polling sucks now for a myriad of reasons. Vote. Check your voter registration.

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