Donald Trump meets Ukraine President Zelenskyy, vows to end Ukraine war

Donald Trump meets Ukraine President Zelenskyy, vows to end Ukraine war

Donald Trump meets Ukraine President Zelenskyy, vows to end Ukraine war

#DonaldTrump #Ukraine #Zelenskyy #Ukrainewar

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  1. The seriousness of the current situation in the world encourages me to write this letter.

    One of the permanent members of the UN Security Council – the Russian Federation – became an aggressor country and even repeatedly threatened to use its nuclear weapons. The gravity of such a threat is steadily increasing due to being largely fueled by the growing Russian religious chauvinism.

    The goals of the “Russian spiritual mission”, “Russian world”, and so forth act as the “sacred” fruits of the Russian State Orthodox establishment under the rather grotesque name “Holy Russia”. However, here the word “holy” in its real context means “above anything” and is intended to justify any internal and external aggression of the Russian authorities as “spiritual and holy”. There are symptoms of the real formation and development of Russian state fascism, based on the maniac delusions of self-righteousness and special mission in the world, and characterised by pseudo-religious propaganda and aggressive intolerance to any other ideology.

    Russia is the largest country in the world by its territory with huge reserves of natural resources as well as nuclear weapons. Moreover, this situation is worsened by the fact that the aggressor Russian Federation is the permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the goals of which are “maintaining international peace and security; development of friendly relations between peoples; cooperation in solving international problems and in ensuring respect for human rights; and the coordination and centralisation of the actions of nations. ” Therefore, the foundations of the established world order appear critically damaged. As a result, each country in the world, without exception, has become a hostage to this situation.

    Because of this, the task of the entire international community now is not limited to the termination of war in Ukraine, but is much greater. It has developed into the need of creating a new world order, which would never again allow any country to blackmail the rest of the world with the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.

    It is particularly significant that the current crisis around Ukraine is not only political and military, but, above all, has ideological and religious basis. Yet, the specifics of any conflicts of an ideological or religious nature usually determine that their resolving is impossible without the demolition of their ideological or religious background.

    Yours sincerely,

    bishop Vincent Berg.

  2. Trump reminds him that him and putin are on better terms than him and Zelensky by replying to Zel's assertion of better relationship than russia that it takes 2 to tango 😂

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