Israel says it killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut strike

Israel says it killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut strike

Posted by Naderium

  1. If they killed him I would think Iran would be force to do something or suffer appearing weak. These past 2 weeks have not been nice to Hezbollah that is for sure.

  2. On one hand a piece of shit is dead, on the other Someone more blood thirsty will replace him and Iran will be forced to directly retaliate now

    Typical of any Israeli action: Tactically brilliant, strategically questionable or moronic

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the reddit salt mines. Please form a line to the left, no pushing, no flash photography and be patient. Plenty of salt for everyone!

  4. Israel just disintegrated the entire leadership of one of the many thorns in their side in like 2 weeks… (and this was the bigger threat than hamas guys too!)

    Methods aside that’s rather impressive

  5. Another excellent Operation by Israel after 11 months of restraint and the world watching in silence.

    Hezbollah are not “occupied Palestinians” ™ and they don’t even have that pathetic excuse. Hezbollah just wants to kill Jews and Israelis without hiding it whatsoever.

    Many many rockets were fired at Israel including a disgusting one targeting a soccer field. 100,000 of people had to flee northern Israel. The world watched in silence. Totally disgusting indifference.

    But this sub will whine about collateral damage without a single world of acknowledgement that HEZB is 100% responsible for this damage by committing a war crime of sticking a war bunker under a neighborhood turning it into a valid military target.

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