I’ve changed my mind, we should never have gotten rid of Boris Johnson. Seems like a good guy

I’ve changed my mind, we should never have gotten rid of Boris Johnson. Seems like a good guy

by SuchSeaworthyShips

  1. Maybe – If he would have still been in charge – he could have teamed up with Trump invading The Hague while l at it, freeing Donald’s friend Hijo de Putain from ICJ’s prisons (one can hope. Of Vlad being in prison that is)

    PS A bit surprised seeing Leiden spelled like that, wasn’t it always spelled as Leyden in the UK?

  2. Typical Bojo British exceptionalism trying to stir drama and call for attention while nobody around cares

  3. Are the D*tch not still the only country to successfully conduct an amphibious raid on London?
    Do you really want to mess with them?

    They will just somehow drain the Channel and walk into Kent, while Boris is too distracted murdering children in Rugby games…

    You, Stella breathing lot, would all be speaking radio interference throat cancer by now if this plan had gone ahead.

    Seriously, can you imagine.
    Barry dancing drunk on a Sp*nish balcony singing in D*tch?
    It is so horrible that people might even forget to dislike the Fr*nch!

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