We all know that one person

We all know that one person

by PositiveLibrary7032

  1. I have a neighbour who does that. You know how cold it is by whether he’s wearing a jacket or not. Some people just can’t bear to have their legs covered, lol.

  2. I live next to a uni. 90% of them, both genders, are dressed like it’s spring in California. You’ll see them shivering with their arms wrapped around themselves, looking miserable cause they are half naked. Morons.

  3. Why is my head upside down and why am I wearing sleeves? Also, how old is this photo that I’m not fat?

  4. This was my son in high school, except he was just wearing a tshirt and the snow was at least 2 feet deeper! I had to plead with him to put on a jacket or else everyone would think I was a bad mother sending him out into the elements like that, LOL

  5. I had a friend like this, never wore a coat. He caught a virus during his final exams and didn’t have the resilience to beat it. Died.

  6. Worked with a guy like this recently and I had to ask him if it was a pose. He was a genuine guy and swears he was fine, just liked shorts and never got cold 🤷🏻‍♂️

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