Baroness For Hire: Arlene Foster is asking for £10,000 a day to advise firms on green energy

Baroness For Hire: Arlene Foster is asking for £10,000 a day to advise firms on green energy

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. > Former First Minister Arlene Foster has been advertising herself as a renewable energy expert at a cost of more than £10,000 a day

    More like she is offering whatever political contacts and influence she has for 10k a day under the guise of something else.

  2. Wait wasn’t she the one who got defenstrated in a massive scandal where they paid farmers to burn fuel day-and-night?

    There really is nothing more brazen than an ex-politician.

  3. Horrible, horrible person. Renewable energy expert? Is that what we’re calling being the Minister at the helm of a massive ~~corruption~~ honest mistake scandal involving renewable heating incentives?

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