Latest poll shows that only 18.8% of Turkish people pray 5 times a day and 36.7% only on special days (ramadan eid etc), while 44.5% never prays at all.

Latest poll shows that only 18.8% of Turkish people pray 5 times a day and 36.7% only on special days (ramadan eid etc), while 44.5% never prays at all.

by evdekiSex

  1. Turks have become disillusioned with religion because they have seen the disgrace under the political Islamic mismanagement. Turkey is a country with great potential and a beautiful country, but it is being governed terribly badly. We, the well-educated and qualified Turkish youth, do not know what to do. I am stating this as an academic.

  2. I’m always happy to read anything that shows that a majority of people is not too utterly brainwashed into religions of any kind.

    So glad for those who are religious in a relaxed way

  3. Now that is absolutely haram!

    Does it also mention where exactly the people live? I can imagine cities like Konya being significantly more religious and conservative as opposed to Izmir and Antalya.

  4. would be interesting to see how this developed over the last decades. Have turks become less religious actually?

  5. You don’t need to pray to express your belief and you don’t need to follow the Quran so strictly as well imho.

  6. Oh, so that’s why Turkish people don’t blow things up and stab people on the streets… Good to know.

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