Middle East crisis live: Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed by Israel in major escalation of conflict | Israel | The Guardian

Middle East crisis live: Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed by Israel in major escalation of conflict | Israel | The Guardian


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  1. Hell yea. This is the perfect time for Lebanon to step up and actually do what they said they’d do 18 years ago and disarm HA fully and take back their country.

    Kaboom goes the terrorist. What a moron hiding in his main HQ lol.

  2. >His eminence, the master of resistance, the righteous servant, has passed away to be with his lord who is pleased with him as a great martyr.

    Nice way of saying he was blown to bits and there won’t be much if anything to put in a casket.

    >The leadership of Hezbollah pledges … to continue its jihad in confronting the enemy [Israel], supporting Gaza and Palestine, and defending Lebanon and its steadfast and honourable people.

    Umm, which leadership exactly? As far as I’ve read there isn’t really anyone left of the upper echelons. Either they got pagered, got a special delivery of the IDF Post service or were in the same space as Nasrallah with a shared fate.

    Just a month ago Hisbollah/Hezbollah was considered an existential threat to Israel and now they’ve been completely decapitated and humiliated by Israel. Truly a marvel to behold.

    Anyway, good riddance and let’s hope the Lebanese people use this chance to get rid of them for good.

  3. This is great news!

    As I’ve read elsewhere, now the Hezbollah leadership will be overtaken by those who weren’t deemed good enough or trustworthy enough to get a pager.

  4. Absolutely can’t wait for r/anime_titties to scream rage and foam in the mouth about how Israel can’t be doing this when this guy and his entire chain of command had Lebanon by the balls and prevented change from happening.

    Even Irans supreme leader had gone in hiding now after constantly poking the bear its its proxy forces but let’s keep focusing on Israel bad.

  5. Excellent, fuck Hezbollah. Just so everyone is aware, over at r/lebanon they are celebrating this like its Christmas and the 4th July wrapped in one. The Lebanese people are literally HAPPY about this. Keep that in mind.

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